The purpose of this site is to showcase the extraordinary small businesses that makeup North Park, San Diego. North Park is changing rapidly, and although I have only been in San Diego (Hillcrest to Golden Hill to South Park) for three years, its transformation continues to accelerate. With websites and magazines slowly becoming pay-to-play, it is harder than ever to hear honest opinions about local spots and it can be a challenge to branch out and discover neighborhood gems. Further, I do believe that there is more to a business than its products, and the people who run these stores should be able to interact with their customers. Business owners should be able to share their messages, stories, or even just their menus with readers without having to pay a fee while doing so.

What inspired this website was the documentary “Donut King”. The movie chronicled the rise of independent donut shops in Los Angeles and the SoCal area due to displacement from the Vietnam War. Having come from the East Coast, I am ashamed to admit that I grew up on Dunkin’ Donuts. However, since moving to California, I have always loved the small donut shops that have fresh pastries all day long. The documentary revealed to me that a donut shop was so much more than just another place to get good food. My hope for readers is that this website can encourage you to hear the stories behind the stores and discover somewhere new and local to eat. For restaurant owners, I want to hear about your business, try your delicious food (don’t worry, I’m not looking for any freebies, and I always tip well), and help you reach a new audience.